
Pu Mat National Park located in the regional ecology of Northern Truong Son. This is an area preserving biological diversity represents the rainforest ecosystem and subtropical typical North Truong Son region and where is identified the distribution of the different rare and endanger species in which including the new species were discovered in 1990 of the XX century. Elevation in the area ranges from 200m – 1841m that create many of the mountain range separating terrain strongly.

Biodiversity Value of the Pu Mat National Park

According to a survey by the Forest Investigate Planning Institute in 1992, the Pu Mat National Park has 1297 species of tracheophyta plants, 64 mammals, 137 birds, 25 reptiles, 15 amphibians.
Once established, Pu Mat National Park was supported by the Social Forestry and Nature Conservation in Nghe An with the collaboration of 55 national and international scientists, 17 staff of Pu Mat National Park has held several round of surveys, fieldwork in low and high mountains in the period from 1998 to 2004. Results biodiversity synthesis as follows:
1. Plants
– Through the research results of domestic and international experts, currently has identified 2494 plant species, 931 genera of 202 families including 70 species in the Vietnam Red Book of threaten species accounting for 2.81% of total species of the system. Formula of rare flora species of Pu Mat in Vietnam Red Book (RBD 2007) are:
Total species: 70 species = 44 VU + 22EN + 4CR
The rare plants found in Pu Mat included 44 species in the VU (Vulnerable), 22 species in the EN (Endangered), 4 species in the CR (critical endangered).
63 species in the IUCN Red List (2007).
The formula is: 63 species 25VU + = 4EN + 4CR + 7LR/nt + 1NT + 3DD + 18LR/lc + 1LC
Such rare plant species in Pu Mat, including 25 species at VU (vulnerable), 4 species in the EN (Endangered), 4 species in the CR (critical endangered), 8 species in the NT (Near Threatened), 3 species in the DD (dismissed data), 19 species in the LC (less concern)
Through the guide data shows that Pu Mat has enough diversity, rich in valuable plant genetic resources of one of national parks in Vietnam.
Vegetation types of Pu Mat National Park:
Forest closed mixed evergreen broadleaf trees, humid tropics accounts for 29%.
Closed evergreen tropical moisture rain forests account for 46.5%.
Secondary forest type dwarf peaks account for 1.7%
Forests recover from exploitation and shifting cultivation account for 21%.
Shrubs, timber trees scattered account for 1.4%
Agricultural land and farms account for 0.4%
2. Animal
Results of biodiversity surveys from 1998 to 2004 statistics of the animals at Pu Mat National Park as follows:
– Mammals: There are 132 species of 11 genera and 30 families including 42 large mammal species, 39 species of bats, and 51 species of small mammals. Contents list by IUCN (2007) a total of 93 species. Formula as follows:
93 species 12VU + = 4EN + 1CR + 3LC + 2NT + 5LR/nt + 61LR/lc + 5DD
Thus, including 12 species of mammal in Pu Mat are at VU  (Vulnerable), 4 species in the EN (Endangered), 1 species in the CR (critical endangered), 7 species in the NT (Near Threatened), 5 species in the DD (dismissed data), 64 species in the LC (less concern)
Typical are the elephant, tiger, Sao la, white cheeks gibbon, brown-shanked Douc, pig-tailed monkeys, Mang Truong Son, Fire Wolf … 
42 species in the Red Data Book of Vietnam (RBD 2007). Formula as follows:
42 species 18VU + = 17EN + 3CR + 2LR/nt + 2DD
That is, including 18 species of Mammal at VU (Vulnerable), 17 species in the EN (Endangered), 3 species in the CR (Critical endangered), two species in the NT (Near Threatened), 2 species in the DD (Dismissed data)
Birds: there are 361 species of 49 genera and 14 families including native birds and migratory birds. Of these, 287 species are in the IUCN list (2007). Formula as follows:
287 species 3VU = 7NT + + 277LC
So The Pu Mat has 7 species in the NT (Near Threatened), 3 species in the VU (Vulnerable), 277 species in the LC (less concern).
15 species in the Vietnam Red Book (RBD 2007). Formula as follows:
15 species = 8 VU EN +1 + 2CR + 1LR/nt + 3LR/cd
That is, eight species of birds at VU (Vulnerable), 1 species in the EN (Endangered), two species in the CR (Critical Endangered), a species in the NT (Near Threatened), 3 species in the Cd (Conservation Dependent)
Typical species are Tri Sao, Cong, Pheasant, Chicken… Two populations of Tri Sao and Hong Hoang, red-necked Niec are considered at international importance, and populations of other species such as Dieu Ca Be can also be considered as national important conservation.
– About amphibians and reptiles: A total of 86 species including 33 species of amphibians and 53 species of reptiles (16 species of turtles, 12 species of Gecko, Varan, 25 snake species).
Of which: 23 species of amphibians are located in the IUCN list 2007 with the formula as follows:
Species 2NT = 23 + 1DD + 20LC.
That is: two species in the NT (Near Threatened), a species in the DD (dismissed date), 20 species in the LC (less concern)
3 species in the Vietnam Red Book (RBD 2007), the formula:
3 species = 2VU + 1EN.
That is of two species in the VU (Vulnerable), 1 species in the EN (Endangered)
There are 17 species of reptiles in the IUCN 2007 record with the formula as follows:
17 species = 4VU + 9EN + 2CR + 2LR/nt
Including four species in the VU (Vulnerable), 9 species in the EN (Endangered), two species in the CR (critical endangered), two species in the NT (Near Threatened).
20 species in the Vietnam Red Book (RBD 2007) with the formula as follows:
20 species = 7VU + 9EN + 4CR
Including seven species in the VU (Vulnerable), 9 species in the EN (Endangered), 4 species in the CR (Critical Endangered)
Typically there are three species of turtles as outlined, mountain Turtle, box turtles forehead yellow, green grass snake, Copperhead …
– Fish: There are 83 species of 56 genera, 19 families.
5 species in the Vietnam Red Book (RBD 2007) with the formula as follows:
5 species RBD = 4VU + 1EN.
Includes: four species in the VU (Vulnerable), a species in the EN (Endangered)
Typical species are: eel, Hemibagrus fish….
– About Butterfly: A total of 459 species of butterflies, including: 365 species of Butterfly, 94 moth species (83 butterfly and 11 species of butterflies horns Emperor). There are seven species of butterfly on a butterfly and 4 moth (butterfly horns) are new species in Vietnam. There are also three species of butterfly listed in the Vietnam Red Book (RBD 2007) is ranked at VU (Vulnerable).
– About Ants: Initially identified 78 species of 40 genera, 9 subfamilies in Pu Mat National Park. However, the specific name of the ants are awaiting inspection.
– About Insects: Total 1084 already identified 64 species of families of the seven genera including 71 endemic species.
Thus, Pu Mat National Park has the total number of 420 rare species in the IUCN list (2007). General formula as follows:
420 species 19VU = 13EN + + 3CR + 11NT + 7LR/nt + 300LC + 61LR/lc + 6DD.
88 species in the Vietnam Red Book (RBD 2007). General formula as follows:
88 species 42VU + = 29EN + 9CR + 3LR/nt + 3LR/cd + 2DD
The endemic Factors to the regional of birds and animals in Pu Mat National Park is also high, up to 12 species (for Vietnam and Laos) in which there are specific species such as Chao Vao, Black langur, Sao la, Mang Lon, mang Truong Son, Shanked brown Douc, Vuon Ma Vang, Striped Rabbit, Striped Civet, Tri Sao, Long-billed Babbler.
In the field of conservation species, Pu Mat is not only the national stature, but also valuable to both Laos and Indochina. Especially important populations of some birds and animals at endangered of in Vietnam and the world is still able to preserve the national park development if there is a well management and protect the species such as Elephant, Tiger, Sao La, Gaur, Mang Truong Son, Striped Rabbit, Civet Van, Bear, Bear horses, Tri Sao.